What is OpenSolaris?
The simplistic answer is that OpenSolaris is an open sourced subset of Solaris i.e. the subset that Sun owned the rights to and could open source. But that is not the real truth. The real truth is that OpenSolaris is the open sourced next generation version of Solaris i.e. Solaris 11. And indeed the version number of OpenSolaris is 11 (or 5.11 technically speaking). And Sun have changed a lot of administration side things between Solaris 10 and 11. And they are still changing things, as OpenSolaris is a work in progress by Sun. A lot can change even between releases of OpenSolaris. So remember that OpenSolaris is not Solaris. There is no mention yet of any level of compatability between Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris.
Clearly OpenSolaris shares the same kernel core as Solaris 10. But outside of that, in terms of the various applications that can be installed, things change. A lot. Solaris has always had its own "packages" installed via the "pkgadd" command. However it lacked a GUI (at least I was not aware of any before now), and did not handle dependencies between packages (A uses things from B, so B should be installed first). You also had to obtain the package distribution file yourself somehow - download or CD media - before it could be installed.
The major Linux distributions have all addressed these issues, so that installing most application software is just a case of firing up the GUI utility, clicking on the application name and then the "Install" button. OpenSolaris has now tried to do the same thing, via its Image Packaging System (IPS), which seems to share the same concepts as Synaptic in Ubuntu. There are repositories of packages, and the packages include lists of dependencies on other packages. Now you can install a package via a few simple clicks, and the package distribution is downloaded from the repository.
Nice. Except ... That there is only one repository, being Sun's own repository of its packages included as part of Solaris. So there is no third party software to choose from. And Sun continues to name all its packages with a very short name and a prefix of "SUNW". Would you know that "SUNWarc" were the "Lint Libraries"? Or that the "Solaris Bundled tools" were in package "SUNWsprot", but that "SUNWbtool" was in fact the "CCS tools bundled with SunOS". Not clear or straightforward at least.
Which leads to the second problem. Even if you know that there is a package containing a program or utility you need, finding out what the name of the package is can be quite hard work. There is not a lot of useful information on OpenSolaris yet that you can find easily via Google. And Sun has provided very little documentation.
Okay, I'll just use the existing Solaris 10 packages? No! OpenSolaris is not Solaris, and even though you could try to install a Solaris 10 package, and it might work, it is not supported and the results are not guaranteed. This is because OpenSolaris is really Solaris 11, and things can change in the kernel and interface libraries. So you should only use OpenSolaris packages, and not Solaris 10 ones.
Are there any other repositories? Of any shape or form? Yes. There is one at Blastwave. Can I use its packages? Yes, but they are very old. Clearly someone did port various Open Source to earlier releases of OpenSolaris, and these have been gathered together at Blastwave. But when I went looking for some things, I could only find 3 year old versions from 2007. In the end I downloaded the source code to the current version of the utility I needed and compiled it all myself.
Oracle 10gR2 Issues
First there is the issue of required packages, and I've already discussed the new IPS on OpenSolaris. For Oracle 10gR2, as per the Oracle 10gR2 on Solaris installation notes, you will need to install:
- SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot SUNWtoo
- SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt
You also need to install SUNWmfrun, which is the Motif Runtime libraries. Yes, the Oracle 10gR2 graphical utilities use Motif behind the scenes. And Motif is no longer installed as standard on OpenSolaris.
Then can we install Oracle 10gR2? No, because the Oracle installer sees the operating system version as 11 (or rather 5.11 as given by "uname -r") and stops because it is not certified against it. Which is not surprising, as you can only certify against officially released operating systems, and OpenSolaris is still a work in progress. But we will assume that OpenSolaris (11) is fully compatible with Solaris 10, and use the "-IgnoreSysPrereqs" to make Oracle ignore this mismatch in the operating system version.
Then the installer will fail with missing Java libraries e.g.
Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
ld.so.1: java: fatal: libdps.so.5: open failed: No such file or directory occurred..
This is because the Oracle installer is using Java 1.4.2 which is shipped as part of the Oracle 10gR2 distribution itself, but OpenSolaris does not have the right bits for backwards compatability with this, hence the missing library message. Again we can use an installer command line option to tell it to use the current Java Runtime Environment on OpenSolaris (1.6), which will not be missing any bits it needs:
- ./runInstaller -IgnoreSysPrereqs -jreLoc /usr/java/jre
Well, again no. There were various errors about certain files not existing. It seems that the installer cannot create symbolic links between files. Using an Oracle installation on another system I was able to work out what these files should be linked to, and manually did this at the end of the installation.
And finally, Yes, I was able to start Oracle and create a database.
1 comment:
I am trying to install Oracle 10g to nexenta 3.0.1 platform. I installed some necessary packages for the db installation. But ay you have noticed the installer gives errors like
Error in checking existance of the link, errno:0:/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/libjsig.so: Invalid argument
Error in checking existance of the link, errno:0:/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/lbuilder: Invalid argument
Error in checking existance of the link, errno:0:/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/libagtsh.so: No such file or directory. Could you please explain how can I manually correct these?
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